
Google Ads but also the Bing Search Ads. Managed through the platform interface or through Search Ads 360.

Social, Display and video

Primarily GDN through Google Ads and some Facebook experience. Programmatic on the DPG-network.

Tracking and analytics

Tracking and Analytics from strategy to implementation. Primarily GTM, GA and Datastudio is used.

Full funnel marketing

Split of customer journeys per KPI. The more (weighted) data the better. Keeping ROAS in the back of my mind.

Mobile Vikings

Hasselt, April 2019 to Present

Digital marketing specialist

Digital transformation and performance marketing/sales for Mobile Vikings:

  1. Google Ads
  2. Programmatic advertising on the Medialaan network (DV360)
  3. SEO
  4. funnel based conversion tracking
  5. customer journey mapping
  6. dashboarding

Groupe Pierre et Vacances/Center Parcs

Peer, October 2016 to March 2019

SEA/SEO manager Belgium

The job consisted of determining and implementing SEA and SEO strategies for multiple travel brands within Belgium. This with an emphasis on being data and results driven.

Under my management were several high budget SEA accounts.

For SEO my goal is to help steer different departments in the SEO/Semantic mindset. This by creating a Belgian strategy. I use word to mouth, design tools and work numbers driven to reinforce the SEO mindset over several divisions.

SYNTRA Limburg

Genk, April 2012 to October 2016

Digital marketer

Within SYNTRA Limburg I was responsible for everything digital. This comprises:

  1. SEO
  2. SEA (primarily Adwords)
  3. Digital signage
  4. Marketing automation and e-mail campaigns
  5. Social media
  6. Website usability and content
  7. Follow up of new trends
  8. Gathering and processing of in- and external data sources
  9. Reporting and data analysis

Postgraduate Digital Marketing

Provinciale hogeschool Limburg


Bachelor degree - Marketing

Provinciale hogeschool Limburg


Full funnel tracking & ROAS optimisation

For Mobile Vikings I was part of the digital transformation of the company. Setting up and implementing the new funnel tracking strategy and version 1 of the dashboards. Which play a vital role in optimising the companies ROAS.

Customized landing pages & weighted customer journey

SEA specific Center Parcs/Sunparks BE non brand keywords suffered from low volumes in lower funnel traffic. My first experiments with full funnel advertising started here. Getting more insights in the customers behaviour and helping to allocate budget properly. SEA helped tremdously for creating proper SEO landingpages.

Multichannel campaign optimisation & website project

SYNTRA was where my professional career started. Beginning with SEA and being project lead for a completely new website. We saw organic traffic doubling over 2 years. I was also heavily invested in Email campaigns were automation, list and template building were key.

Personal projects

I am curious by nature and it shows (just check out my GitHub). I have programming experience in Python, Ruby (On Rails), and JavaScript (NodeJS). Focussing now primarily on node. I have also done numerous Wordpress projects and created a website using Ruby on Rails. These projects gave me the technical insights and tools to excell at the job.

Online advertising requires it's own assets since the audiences do not behave the same as offline.

One of the benefits of digital is being able to segment elaborately. Key is finding balance between volume and revenue.

Define goals starting from awareness to sale.

Measure the customer journey from start to finish.


Optimise channels based on ROI/ROAS.

A lot of rules within Digital are unwritten. Experiment and write your own guidelines.